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WWII ID Models

Started by Kenny Horne, February 24, 2008, 07:49:59 AM

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Balsa carves like butter if you use a new blade. So new I cut my thumb and it hurt like hell. Must have gotten some dust in there. It needs to heal before Friday as we start our 08/09 dart season on Friday. I followed the instruction on shaping and cutting the pieces. Seems strange not to change something. I still need to do the exhaust, scoop and stand. See ya!



I was beginning to think that the plans had the wrong cowl shape for the I-16, but fortunately, checked the Web and found there were many versions.  I did finally find a photo of the bottom.  I'd been trying to figure out how the gear fit into the bottom of the fuselage.  It turns out the wing is blended into the bottom of the fuselage, making a much more gradual angle than if you don't know that.  It's not that the plans are wrong, it's just that they don't tell the whole story!

I'm also following the instructions, so have been scoring the control surfaces and other details (I did carve out the cowl intakes, which is probably semi-cheating).  I'm not looking forward to scoring in the canopy frames, however! Maybe I can use some of my thin-line tape and paint it all black.

Sorry about the thumb, Lou, and on your throwing hand, too!



Here's the latest I-16 photo:


I've since started the wing fillets and fuselage-bottom blending using auto filler putty.  It smells about like Squadron Green putty (it stinks!), but is not as thick and is much less expensive.  I'll let you know how it works out.



Last weekend's ID Model is finally done. I was a bit slow on the take for this one. I have started a KI-59 as a group build in a Yahoo scratch building group. But it is an ID Model but we don't have the drawing??



"The Dude Abides"


Mine will be an ID model.

It is twin engine transport.



I-16 is nearly done.  I have primer on the fuselage, with the tail fully installed and primed now.  I need to make a spinner and tail wheel, and sand some putty on the tail-fuselage joints.  Then I need to paint it black.


Kenny Horne

Great work gentlemen,

Keep posting those pictures!



Here's the I-16 update:


I've since scribed the gear door outlines and traced out the canopy and other details in pencil, in preparation for scribing.




Thanks, Lou and Kenny.

I ran into one of those ID plans not working quite right issues.  They have outlines for "gun trough", which are two pieces you glue on just forward of the cockpit.  Unfortunately, the pattern is all wrong for a fuselage built to the patterns, though the three-view shows a flaring cowling that would fit the pattern.

I looked at other three-views and photos of the I-16 and found that there are many, many models, some with flaring cowls, others straight.  I decided to just fudge it and glue on two pieces of carved wood that fit.  After they were glued on, I shaped and sanded them further and then used some sanding sealer to seal them.

The wheel contractor delivered the tailwheel ahead of schedule.

I outlined the canopy with an X-Acto knife, and plan to use a carbide scraper to outline the exhaust ports.

You know, the I-16 plans said something about scribing certain outlines (it says to scribe the exhaust ports and cowl ring), but it is a pain to get them right.  The ID model instruction book from WW II says nothing about outlining control surfaces, except in the inspection section.  I'm not sure if I feel like scribing as much on the next ID model -- we'll see.



I'm nearly ready for the black paint on the I-16!

I've added the gun housings and scored in the canopy lines and exhausts. 

I did the original scoring with an X-Acto knife, but switched to a carbide scribe later.  It did a better job of making a "V" shaped cut.




I look at the largest image and I am impressed with the filets. Are they solid or putty? It will look great in black I have some issues as to using matt, semi-gloss or gloss. What are you using?




Thank you for the comments.  My son looked at the fillets and said, "Those are BIG fillets!"

I glued a 1/16-inch thick triangle of basswood between the trailing edge of the wing and the fuselage to support the bottom of the fillet.  The fillet itself was putty.  I used a layers of Squadron Green putty and an inexpensive automotive filler putty (used after Bondo, which is a two-part epoxy-like filler, to make fill small remaining scratches).  The company that makes Bondo sells a similar putty, but I bought the no-name version, which was much less expensive than either the Bondo or Squadron Green putties.  They all smell the same (awful), and handle and sand about the same.  These are all much smoother and more workable than plastic wood, which I used on my earlier models.  I wanted to try out the automotive putty because it was so much less expensive than Squadron Green.

I did spray on two coats of flat black last night.  I'm using a Krylon Flat Black spray.  I'm not sure what sort of paint it is.  The ingredients list includes acetone, and it dries fairly quickly, so I wouldn't be surprised if it was a lacquer.  They also have a semi-flat and a gloss version of the paint.

After a few coats, the finish wasn't as matte as I'd expected (I do have some model matte finish I can use if I need to), but I think it has a fairly nice appearance.  I was very surprised how much better the scored and scribed outlines look when they are painted flat black.

I have a few touch-ups, and then I'll post photos.
