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Current Project updates

Started by R.F.Bennett, January 19, 2008, 02:43:33 AM

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Updates of Ken's current projects will be posted here.
"The Dude Abides"

Ken Pugh

Current projects as of 21 January 2008:

1.  Hellcat.  Guillow's 1/16 scale Hellcat being completed for display.  My pastor built the bones and wanted help finishing it.  This is my opportunity to go nuts trying to learn new techniques.

2.  Kamehameha.  Solid for the Naval Cookup.  Got put on hold when the Hellcat showed up.  I will try to slip in some progress, especially now that I have my new drill press.

3.  Fireball XL5.  Solid that is way back on the back burner.  Lots of projects bumped this one, though I really want to finish it.

3.  Mare Nostrum.  Artesania Latina kit of a fishing trawler.  I am also interested in ship modeling and this "simple" kit is intended to bring my planking skills up a notch.  Also bumped by the Hellcat.

4.  Elephant.  Gera Godoy asked me to build this one.  Cleveland plans from way back.  The plans do not properly show the layers needed to build from wood, so I decided to sculpt this one from Super Sculpey.  Sculpting figures will be a very handy skill when later making pilots for my aircraft or deck hands on board ship.  Intimidation keeps this one from making much progress.

Ken Pugh


I like your Oscar tutorial pictures. Our new modellers will appreciate the step by step photos.

Ken Pugh

While reading Flying Models magazine over the past few months, I have been admiring the control line stunters and some of the RC pattern planes.  This hit me as a good solid model project.  I plan to build some stunter using the drawings in the magazine, a model of a model.  Don't know when I can get to it but thought I would throw it out there as an idea.  The construction itself would be very easy and quick but present a canvas for developing painting and graphic skills.  I like projects that can be quickly built but used to enhance a specific skill set.  Maybe this will end up as a fun cookup.

Ken Pugh



That was our idea behind the "Simple Scale" profile cookup:


As you can see, our own Kenny Horne turned out an astounding collection of these in a short time (above).  I used mine to experiment with paper decals and some paint techniques (below).


Ken Pugh

I will probably take the month of December off from my personal modeling.  I had to put my dog Mary to sleep last week.  I still see her around the corner or expect her to pop her head in when I am doing something.  She was only nine years old so she went before her time.  Keeping busy around the house helps with the grief.  I still have my pastor's Spitfire model to work on so will probably finish that before I get back into my creative pursuits.

Ken Pugh


Sorry to here about the loss of your dog. We had a dog put down a few months ago it's never easy. It was easier on us as we had just gotten a new puppy that cushioned the blow. The new puppy also gets in the way of hobbies though. Keep busy it's the best thing.


Ken Pugh

Thanks for the kind words.  Yes, I have been keeping busy to the point of exhaustion.  That is a main reason for not modeling for a while because modeling is relaxing for me.

We did get another dog from the pound two days ago.  Unfortunately, he may have heartworms, which I may not be able to afford to treat.  I will find out later today.  Hopefully, this will all work out with the new guy.

Ken Pugh


Pets are a greater part of our lives than we like to admit at times. I recall many a piece falling prey to my Rosie and an un-named cat who had a love of plastic parts. The last damage done by cat is still there in my collection as a fond reminder. Good luck with your new found friend.


cliff strachan

Sorry about your dog, Ken. And although I'm glad that you were able to find another so quickly at the pound it's unfortunate that it is apparently having health problems already. I've personally never had a pet probably because among a number of reasons I was aware that one could very easily become attached - too much so. However, my daughter has had a great number of pets in her lifetime; from gerbils to rabbits to a parrolette. And it was this last bird that seemed to be the smartest (even to the extent that it liked me!) and was the toughest to adjust to when it died. It even effected me. So I really know what it's like. Glad that you chose a pound dog. They do need someone like yourself to care

Ken Pugh

Thanks, guys.

Unfortunately, the new dog will have to go back to the pound.  He has heartworms, hookworms, whipworms, and a heart murmur.  I just can't afford all the vet bills it will take to probably get this guy back to health.  He is an excellent dog and somebody really did him wrong by not taking proper care of him.  It is especially baffling because he has some serious training.  I don't understand people neglecting animals they have as pets in their home.

Just as I decided to get out of the dog game for a while, my sister needs someone to keep her dog.  So, life goes on!

Ken Pugh


I lost my two adourable Siamese cats a year apart,it has now been a year since the last one departed my life,I miss them more than I expected but decided to not have any more animals because they are a tie when you need to go away and need them looking after properly, also when you get older it takes all the effort to look after yourself and loved one !
They are special to us all and form bonds that are there for life,cherish the happy memories because they are precious.


Sorry to hear about your dog Ken, we had a Springer spaniel for 12 years and had to have him put to sleep a few years ago, and after that traumatic experience we have never had another. Some close friends of ours have just had the same situation with one of their labradors. He was only two years old but suddenly took ill with no explanation, the vets couldn't find the cause but he was going down hill rapidly. He was eventually put to sleep and it was as bad for me as my own dog, very upsetting. I admire anyone who gets another one. People have said think of the years of pleasure you get, but the thought of going through another loss outweighs it for me. Regards Paul J.

Ken Pugh

As I am treading water wondering what to make next, I remember that I totally forgot to make something last year for Naval Aviation's 100th anniversary.  Of course, 2012 is Marine Corps Aviation's 100th, so now I am on the hook for two models.

2011 was a very bad year for me and 2012 is, financially, an extreme disaster, though I won't let it get to me like last year.  I have thrown two model attempts in the trash so far this year, but I will make something.

Ken Pugh


Stick at it Ken,thats a good theme you have there and my mind suddenly rushes to the wonderful Curtiss Pusher replica they built for the celebrations they placed bamoo clad neatly around metal tubing to comply with modern certification on the booms,can you just imagine boring out bamboo in this way ?