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Martin B-26 ID model

Started by Dave Tunison, March 11, 2025, 01:10:54 PM

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Dave Tunison

I have started a B-26 ID model in 1/72nd scale. My father carved one of these as a high school sophomore in 1943 for the war effort. He went into the Navy in 1945. The war ended while he was in basic training, but served in a utility squadron VJ-1 or VJ-7 (not sure) on Ford Island in Hawaii. I scanned a few photos from his album.

  My neighbor, an antique dealer, gave me a couple of 1920s wooden ironing boards for the western pine lumber, so I am using some of it for this model.[


You are doing much better than my project.


Dave Tunison

The wood is dense, not the easiest to carve. Sanding blocks are essential.

J Luke

That's looking great, Dave! How do you get such a smooth curve for where the wing will sit?

Dave Tunison

I cut the fuselage out with a band-saw using a 1/4 wide blade, then go over that wing cutout section with round rasp and a small sanding block. After both of the wings are shaped, I try to refine them and the opening until they fit together well.

Dave Tunison

I have shaped the wing and cut out the rest of the parts. The grain on this wood is very pronounced and not the easiest to work with.

J Luke

That's looking great, Dave! What did you use to cut out the "clothespin" part of the nacelles?


Dave Tunison

Thanks Lou.
Jordan, I use a bandsaw for cutting everything. At one time I had a 1960-ish Craftsman jigsaw table that was ideal for those kind of tight curves.

Dave Tunison

Continue with shaping the parts and finding the easiest way to get the nacelles to fit.

J Luke

I like the idea of carving the underside of the wing to fit the nacelles. Looking good!

Dave Tunison

Strombecker had an interesting way of solving the nacelle issue. The drilled a hole onto the leading edge of the wing the same diameter as the nacelle. I don't have the actual kit so a photo found online is attached here. I might try this sometime.

J Luke

That is interesting. Were those kits made to be assembled right away with no additional carving or shaping?

Dave Tunison

Generally ,sanding was all that was required to shape the tail surfaces and smooth out the mill work. They supplied the powdered glue and sandpaper in the kits.

J Luke

That's very cool. Yours is looking great! Are you going to paint it black like the WWII models or do a paint scheme?