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Tutorial Novice - HMCS Bonaventure Air Fleet - 1/240 Tracker/Banshee/Horse

Started by lastvautour, November 17, 2015, 02:18:58 AM

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I should have checked what the photo looked like once loaded. here is a slightly better one.



While waiting for "Horse" CanMilAir decals the CP-121 Tracker has been started. Since the drawing I am using has no full view of the top or bottom, I cut the top drawing along the center line and taped it to the bottom view. The fuselage was cut as close as possible to the edge and glued to the scrap piece of wood. The combined top/bottom views are glued to cardboard and will be cut to form templates for tracing onto the same piece of wood. The nacelles will also be traced directly to the wood. I hope to see the HO4S-3 decals tomorrow.



Major components to the Tracker are cut, I changed my mind on tracing the wings on wood and glued the drawing directly.



The Tracker blocks are cut and thickness marked on the attached.



Each part outline is traced on the blocks before cutting to shape. Work slow as the parts are small and it is easy to take away to much materiel. (the voice of experience) The trick is to cut close and sand down to the measurement you want.



I am amazed at your work and the tutorials you post are remarkable, everything I need to keep going.  It never occurred to me that there could be decals for the windscreens and that is a relief, I was wondering how to paint them on.  Your drawings are a great help in carving the fuselage.  Thanks again.


I already printed extra and will send you copies of the window decals as I make those myself. I will also add instructions.



Marking off where the nacelles and wings will sit in relation to each other. The rear fuselage is marked for carving out the vertical fin.



The wing has markings for the fuselage and nacelle locations. Here the wing spar is carved out. Care and frequent checking with the fuselage to ensure a good fit.  The fuselage was marked to accept the wing once the spar has been cut out. I forgot to take a photo of the fuselage before cutting out the upper portion for the spar. The area removed from the fuselage is saved to form a cap over the wing rather than carving out a new piece.



The vertical fin is carved and final removal of materiel is done with sand paper sticks. The fin is delicate and broke off about half way up. Once the superglue had dried, I continued with the sanding.



Placing the fuselage against the drawing I located where the horizontal fin would fit and used a flat rat file to cut out a slot. I had no intention of removing the upper area of the fin. It broke a second time and will have to be glued again. I then sanded a slot in the horizontal fin. I will sand the horizontal fin to its final shape and attach with superglue. Once dry the tail area will be much stronger.



Just a quick comparison with a 1/72 Tracker.



Great progress Lou, re the tail fin split, that's a problem I find when working the thin parts, trying to find wood with the correct grain so it won't split or distort when they need to be thinned down. Best regards Paul J.


One piece fuselage tail fin combination are the worst for structural strength. But in my opinion, the pro outweighs the con.

PS Christmas showed up early in the form of a HO4S-3 decal sheet. The major items are on and the remainder should be on by day's end.