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CF-5A & CF-5D 1/32 Scale............................(Completed 9 Feb 2014)

Started by lastvautour, February 12, 2013, 04:26:50 PM

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Nice decals Lou, do you always use MS Paint to print them off?. Regards Paul J.


I use MS Paint and MS Word a lot in doing my drawings and images. I build up some images from basic shapes such as RAF Roundels and fin flashes. I also downloaded RAF/RCAF/USAF fonts for numbers and letter codes. My biggest problem is being limited to legal size paper for drawings. Excel will do multi-page drawings but skews the image when printing. I can compensate by printing, measuring, adjusting ,printing ,measuring etc etc. It can be done but can prove expensive on paper and ink. I am in the process of doing just that with a 1/32 L-19.



The CF-5A rolled out this afternoon.  For now the CF-5A will share space with the SE5A and Schweizer 2-33.



The CF-5A had no wing markings until 1980.


CF-5B to follow.


Very nice Lou, excellent work, the decals look great. Look forward to the other model.My printer has just refused to print any blue, despite trying two new cartridges and a print head clean. I can feel some more expense coming on. Best regards Paul J.


Printers in Canada are pretty cheap, however the replacement cartridge will often cost more than a new printer. Disregard the comment 4 post back on making L-19 drawings as I since found I had already done them and the model had been started last year but put away and forgotten. I check my entire basement but did not find any other similar forgotten projects.(darn)



I had to buy a new printer, (Epson, wifi type, individual inks) for £72. A full new set of ink is around £22. But compatibles are available for it when the warranty expires. Never mind about the forgotten projects, I'm sure you have enough to be getting on with. Regards Paul J.


Back to the paint shop. I messed up by spraying before shaking the can. Wow, what a mess of lumpy paint just speckled the fuselage. Damage repaired now and painting will continue. Remember, shake first, spray second!!!!



Good advice Lou,it takes about 10 minutes to shake a rattle can,first upright then invert listening to the dullness as the paint mixes with the solvent,continue to shake as you spray especially metallic colours.



A coat of diluted paint was applied with a brush and sanded with extra-fine sandpaper. The reapplication using my air brush appears to be working. I ran out of light blue paint just as I was making the last stroke. The two remaining colours will be done after the light blue is cured and masked as my brush will not do freehand very well. I took Mark's(?) suggestion on using rubbing alcohol to dilute the Tamiya acrylic for spraying. It worked very well.



A good view of your well organised workshop Lou.



A trip to the paint shop for a gloss coat prior to decals. Decals have been sprayed and should be ready by late evening. I think I will add another coat of gloss to the model before placing the decals.



Looking good Lou, I like the colour scheme, excellent decals as usual. Regards Paul J.


Thank you Paul. I debated between this scheme and the three shades of grey scheme.



Roll out 9 Feb 2014. The CF-5D 116815 joins the CF-5A.
