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P-47D Thunderbolt "Razorback" - Completed Dec. 2024

Started by J Luke, October 16, 2024, 02:06:24 PM

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J Luke

I'll do my best! At least my PBY can go in there. Thanks!

J Luke

I was able to make some progress on this over the last couple days. I got the "engine" painted black and the decals on. It represents a fictitious aircraft from the early days of the 56th Fighter Group. The 63rd squadron had the code "UN" on their planes. Adding the "L" as the individual aircraft code makes it a subtle nod to where my wife and I went to college: the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL). The tail numbers were a pain. They were done individually from a sheet of letters and numbers I had on hand. I wasn't feeling very creative, so I just did 12345 for the serial number. :) I also mangled a few. I was down to my last "3" in that size, but I managed to get it on there! I'll have to look into printing my own decals in the future.

Still to do:
 - Finish propeller hub
 - Make propeller disc
 - Apply flat coat
 - Install guns

If I don't get a stand made, I can just hang it from my ceiling in my work room. It should be done by the end of December, though.



J Luke

I'm calling this complete as of today, December 14, 2024. I might still build a stand for it, or just hang it from my ceiling. I tried a prop disc, but wasn't completely satisfied with the results. I may or may not make another one. I kind of like it with just the spinner to show off the nose a bit more. Here it is with the prop disc:

Here it is complete with eight 0.50's. I used 0.039 piano wire for the guns. I found it at our hobby store.



That is a fantastic Thunderbolt. I will post one of these photos to our yearbook page for publication in the new year.






I'll echo Lou's comment. An excellent result. Well Done!


J Luke

Thanks Lou and Gordon! I've enjoyed this new hobby very much.

I might try and get some pictures outdoors with better lighting. These pictures are just in my basement.


And so it goes...

J Luke

Thanks, Jim! I'm really glad I found this site. It's been a very enjoyable hobby to try!

J Luke

My favorite way to take pictures is outside on a cloudy day. Here are some shots done today. I personally prefer these to my indoor shots. I believe this wraps up this project unless I get around to making a stand and/or propeller for this one.


J Luke

Ok, maybe one more photo...I was having fun with my photo editor on my phone yesterday:



Looks fantastic. I want to see more models.

Keep your blade sharp.


"The Dude Abides"