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Home > User galleries > ScottZepher > Morane Saulnier Type BB
Morane Saulnier Type BB completed assembly
I've done about as much as I dare do in this scale, but I'm glad I stayed with it because it turned out beautifully.  I'm looking for some Rudder markings, then I'll scan off my wife's fuselage drawings and apply them as printed decals

Morane Saulnier Type BB completed assembly

I've done about as much as I dare do in this scale, but I'm glad I stayed with it because it turned out beautifully. I'm looking for some Rudder markings, then I'll scan off my wife's fuselage drawings and apply them as printed decals

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File information
Album name:ScottZepher / Morane Saulnier Type BB
Filesize:108 KiB
Date added:May 14, 2018
Dimensions:960 x 528 pixels
Displayed:85 times
Favorites:Add to Favorites