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Home > User galleries > ScottZepher > Morane Saulnier Type BB
Morane Saulnier Type BB Front left view, struts and rigging 
I used a very thin (24 gauge I believe) which makes it difficult to see the rigging, but trust me it's there

Morane Saulnier Type BB Front left view, struts and rigging

I used a very thin (24 gauge I believe) which makes it difficult to see the rigging, but trust me it's there

063020141415B15D.jpg 063020141425B15D.jpg PIC_0781.JPG 063020141405B15D.jpg PIC_0109.JPG
File information
Album name:ScottZepher / Morane Saulnier Type BB
Filesize:432 KiB
Date added:Jun 07, 2015
Dimensions:1920 x 1080 pixels
Displayed:102 times
Favorites:Add to Favorites