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3/8" = 1' scale Piper Aztec floatplane.  
To make the struts I first inserted round toothpicks into K&S 1/8" aluminum tubing then pressed the tubing flat between two pieces of smooth metal in a bench vise.  The toothpicks (or similar dowel material) were needed to keep the tubing from collapsing on itself when pressed flat.   The first step in setting up the floats was to cut and attach the two horizontal struts connecting the floats.  Next, the floats were attached to a simple jig which held the model suspended at the proper height over the floats; after that I used a divider to determine the length of each of the individual struts.  The struts were then cut from the flattened tubing and holes were drilled in the ends of each strut to accept pins made from brass rod.  The brass rod pins fit into holes drilled into the model and floats.  After all struts were cut and fitted the assembly was taken apart and the model painted.


3/8" = 1' scale Piper Aztec floatplane.
To make the struts I first inserted round toothpicks into K&S 1/8" aluminum tubing then pressed the tubing flat between two pieces of smooth metal in a bench vise. The toothpicks (or similar dowel material) were needed to keep the tubing from collapsing on itself when pressed flat. The first step in setting up the floats was to cut and attach the two horizontal struts connecting the floats. Next, the floats were attached to a simple jig which held the model suspended at the proper height over the floats; after that I used a divider to determine the length of each of the individual struts. The struts were then cut from the flattened tubing and holes were drilled in the ends of each strut to accept pins made from brass rod. The brass rod pins fit into holes drilled into the model and floats. After all struts were cut and fitted the assembly was taken apart and the model painted.

Napier-Heston_Racer03.jpg PB2Y_and_S-38.jpg AztecRightFront.JPG DSCF3539.JPG F9F_6_TL.jpg
File information
Album name:jeffh / JeffH_Photos
Copyright::JeffH 2008
Filesize:73 KiB
Date added:Feb 03, 2008
Dimensions:1024 x 717 pixels
Displayed:303 times
Favorites:Add to Favorites

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lastvautour   [Feb 04, 2008 at 08:01 AM]
Jeff, this is another success story. Excelent workmanship.
davetunison   [Feb 04, 2008 at 08:59 AM]
Awesome. How did you create the rivet effect in the floats?
jeffh   [Feb 04, 2008 at 11:01 PM]
Thanks for your comments. The rivet effect was made using a pounce wheel (that tool is shown on the Beech Baron WIP photo). Pounce wheels are used in drafting; I filed the teeth to a point to produce a "." instead of "-" pattern.

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