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Home > User galleries > ScottZepher > Morane Saulnier Type BB
Morane Saulnier Type BB Biplane Stabilizers 1
I finally cut a pair of stabs that I liked (only took me three kinds of wood and five tries), and here I lined them up to the fuselage--NICE!

Morane Saulnier Type BB Biplane Stabilizers 1

I finally cut a pair of stabs that I liked (only took me three kinds of wood and five tries), and here I lined them up to the fuselage--NICE!

BAe_Hawk_Performance_003.JPG DSCF6102.JPG PICT0001.JPG Mystery_Aircrew_1.JPG Payen_pa112.JPG
File information
Album name:ScottZepher / Morane Saulnier Type BB
Filesize:602 KiB
Date added:Dec 22, 2008
Dimensions:3648 x 2736 pixels
Displayed:283 times
Favorites:Add to Favorites