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4 inch Drawknife Build Image 5
The cuts are dressed (Smoothed and rounded) using a coarse 8 inch metal file.
Keywords: Drawknife

4 inch Drawknife Build Image 5

The cuts are dressed (Smoothed and rounded) using a coarse 8 inch metal file.

PT-9HullCarveFront.jpg POTEZ_75_PLAN.jpg 4_in_Drawknife_image_05_Small.jpg Lutz_File_Handle_No_1C_Small.jpg DSCF7249.JPG
File information
Album name:SMM/RFBennett / 4 inch Drawknife Build
Copyright::R.F.Bennett 2008
Filesize:151 KiB
Date added:May 04, 2008
Dimensions:576 x 226 pixels
Displayed:262 times
Favorites:Add to Favorites