Solid Model Memories

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Home > User galleries > SMM/RFBennett > Silvercraft YMS/BYMS Prototype
Upper For-Deck pattern left on for future drilling and marking of For-Deck structures. Made of two laminations of 1/32 birch plywood. 
Note that the part is still slighlty larger than the pattern and will be trimmed in finishing.
Keywords: Silvercraft YMS BYMS Minesweeper  American boat RFBennett solid solidmodelmemories


Upper For-Deck pattern left on for future drilling and marking of For-Deck structures. Made of two laminations of 1/32 birch plywood.
Note that the part is still slighlty larger than the pattern and will be trimmed in finishing.

Cessna310_Parts.JPG Delta_1D__7.JPG Silvercraft_YMS_Prototype_8_small.jpg Cessna310R_WIP.JPG PT-10_Complete_Penny.jpg
File information
Album name:SMM/RFBennett / Silvercraft YMS/BYMS Prototype
Keywords:Silvercraft / YMS / BYMS / Minesweeper / / American / boat / RFBennett / solid / solidmodelmemories
Owner Comment::1/148th scale
Copyright::R.F.Bennett 2008
Filesize:168 KiB
Date added:Mar 29, 2008
Dimensions:576 x 324 pixels
Displayed:474 times
Favorites:Add to Favorites