Solid Model Memories

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Home > User galleries > SMM/RFBennett > Silvercraft YMS/BYMS Prototype
Block cut to match side patterns. Deck planed using "Stopping Cuts" to make pronounced "SwayBack" deck of the YMS design. 
Bottom cut flat with the exception of fantail, which is angled but still flat. Note pattern wrapping around fantail.
Keywords: Silvercraft YMS BYMS Minesweeper  American boat RFBennett solid solidmodelmemories


Block cut to match side patterns. Deck planed using "Stopping Cuts" to make pronounced "SwayBack" deck of the YMS design.
Bottom cut flat with the exception of fantail, which is angled but still flat. Note pattern wrapping around fantail.

RedBaron_TopLeftSmall.JPG Silvercraft_YMS_Prototype_3_small.jpg Silvercraft_YMS_Prototype_7_small.jpg UPF-7__2.JPG DSCF4508.JPG
File information
Album name:SMM/RFBennett / Silvercraft YMS/BYMS Prototype
Keywords:Silvercraft / YMS / BYMS / Minesweeper / / American / boat / RFBennett / solid / solidmodelmemories
Owner Comment::1/148th scale
Copyright::R.F.Bennett 2008
Filesize:151 KiB
Date added:Mar 29, 2008
Dimensions:576 x 266 pixels
Displayed:518 times
Favorites:Add to Favorites