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Close up of panel lines/rivets on 1/32 Beechcraft Baron wing.  Using a wood burner, panel lines were burned into the sealed/primed model surface before painting.  The knife blade tip is used to make fine lines; the thicker brass tip is used to make deeper lines such as control surface demarcations.  The pounce wheel and gear tool are used to emboss rivet detail.


Close up of panel lines/rivets on 1/32 Beechcraft Baron wing. Using a wood burner, panel lines were burned into the sealed/primed model surface before painting. The knife blade tip is used to make fine lines; the thicker brass tip is used to make deeper lines such as control surface demarcations. The pounce wheel and gear tool are used to emboss rivet detail.

DSCF7046.JPG DSCF3457.JPG PanelLines.JPG DSCF9159.JPG 4_in_Drawknife_image_09_Small.jpg
File information
Album name:jeffh / JeffH_Photos
Copyright::JeffH 2008
Filesize:123 KiB
Date added:Mar 17, 2008
Dimensions:1024 x 768 pixels
Displayed:295 times
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