Solid Model Memories

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Home > Group Builds > Garet Scale Cook-Up (Feb 2007)
Grumman Wildcat
1/72 simple scale model of the Grumman Wildcat.  This was the prototype for the "Garet Scale" build, and this photo is what started the whole event.
Keywords: simple scale grumman wildcat model airplane

Grumman Wildcat

1/72 simple scale model of the Grumman Wildcat. This was the prototype for the "Garet Scale" build, and this photo is what started the whole event.

SimplePBYPenny2.jpg SimplePBYPennyFL.jpg SimpleScaleWildcat_2.jpg X-4Completed_2.jpg X-24ARightSide_2.jpg
File information
Album name:Oceaneer99 / Garet Scale Cook-Up (Feb 2007)
Keywords:simple / scale / grumman / wildcat / model / airplane
Attributes::Garet collection
Filesize:187 KiB
Date added:Feb 02, 2008
Dimensions:1024 x 682 pixels
Displayed:441 times
Favorites:Add to Favorites