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Started by lastvautour, October 03, 2021, 08:35:10 PM

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Douglas aka D61warren wrote:

Hi Louis. I got your email regarding the Solid Model Memories group. I'm definitely still interested in solid models and the group. It's a great resource for wood models.



Dick aka gunner44 wrote:

Oh yes!
I'm still building models.  Although at a slower pace...
And will attend the monthly meeting tonight.



George aka gjb602 wrote

All's well thank you.

My interest is still there, mostly historical with Skybirds and similar makes.
As part of my Retrotoyspares business I reproduce most Skybirds engines, propellors, wheels etc in white metal..





Kirk aka kirkb wrote

Hi Lou,
Haven't logged on in awhile, but yes...



Ken aka subnuke wrote

Thanks Lou for reaching out to me.  I had earlier started checking in more often after Gera reached out to me.  Gera is a long, dear friend of mine and it was good to hear from you buddy.

When I disappeared a few years ago it was mainly to care for my mother.  She died in 2016.  My responsibilities then shifted to caring for my father who died in 2020.  I have recently settled his estate and looking to return to a life that I haven't had in many years.  My house and modeling area is cluttered with possessions I kept from my parents and I still need to dig through all that and get things sorted.  There will be a day I return to modeling but I plan to keep up with the forum while waiting for that to happen.

Cheers to all,



John aka airmedical wrote:

Yes, still interested. Thank you.



Japwee aka japboon wrote:

Hi Louis
Thanks for writing.
Crazy time we are living in, isn't it?
Everything is fine here in down under, but haven't been checking into the SMM and my other interests' group sites( photography and printing making, among other) because of family matters and work.
I appreciate your reminder, and yes, I am still very much interested in SMM, which I find quite therapeutic looking at other people's beautiful works and learn some history of the solid model making matters.
Please keep me in the loop if you can.
Warmest regards & stay safe
Japwee Boon



Raul aka bearpilot wrote:


I want to get back to building models.

Keep up the good work!



Hank aka hhdempsey wrote:

yes; very interested



Larry aka Flying T wrote:

hi Lou, still interested but cant make them cause I started to shake. made most of the ones i was interested in . Could not find anyone interested when I was at the flea market with samples and kits I made up, next to Shaw AFB.



Jim aka Fingers wrote:

Hi Lou:
Yes, very much interested, and still check it regularly. Haven't been able to contribute since last fall, unfortunately, owing to family health care responsibilities and other commitments. But I've recently started building again and hope to be submitting new material before too long.
Thanks for your stewardship and interest.
Be well.

Jim Atkins
Galway, NY



Hello Lou

Thanks very much for your email. I did reply but my email was rejected and bounced back undelivered.

Your email immediately prompted thoughts of the only aeroplane model of my Dad's that I ever saw, when as a very young boy, I spied it sitting on a shelf at Great Aunt Winifred's place (circa 1960); a solid, white Heinkel He.59 biplane with floats, rigging and big red crosses. I vaguely recall picking it up, breaking it and getting into trouble.

Alas, I had quite forgotten about this site. I suppose having computers blow up and not backing up favourites, and a torrid time in and out of horsepiddle half a decade ago for operations and stuff that mucked up my cognitive abilities, may be contributory factors, though they sound like excuses to me %~))

Well, I'm pensioned off now and have returned to scale modelling with a vengeance; a perfect activity for steampunk tinkerers in this lockdown culture.

Although the plastic fantastic (an expression of ambivalence) features strongly in these months, I have a couple of projects coming up that will require drafting and fabrication skills. I'm absolutely besotted with interwar British bipes on floats and plan to carve a set to convert a Hawker Hart in 1/48 into an Osprey. I'd also like to construct a catapult and crane ala His Majesty's cruisers to display a Fairey Swordfish. Longer term, I wonder about fabricating a Fairey IIIF on floats in 1/48 and other aeroplanes of this era that are sadly overlooked in this scale, like my beloved Blackburn Blackburn.

So there you have it. I'm back! I've renewed my password, popped a link into my toolbar menu, had a cursory look into a forum thread or two and hope to make some meaningful contributions soonish.

Many thanks again, Lou.



Thank you for posting John. I look forward to your future submissions.



Norman aka  Bluesocks wrote:

Dear Lou
I recently joined and finding it a very valuable source of ideas, plans and techniques.  It probably caters to a small group of people, but I am sure that they appreciate the time and effort it takes to be an administer for the site.  A belated thank you to you for this.

All the best

Norman Gleadow
British Columbia Canada



Lars aka Lars_Opland wrote:

Hi Lou,
I'm still here...though my sheet styrene supplier, Evergreen Models, vanished without trace last summer.  # :^(##
You folks are kindred spirits to me, but I usually use the internet only for seeking out reference photos, looking up aircraft registrations & such. Customers keep me busy producing plastic kits & there is rarely time for new product development or model building, but my choices for kit subjects have always been about promoting the modeling of more civil subjects. I chose the bush plane genre because I was raised in Alaska, immersed in bush flying lore &, of all general aviation categories, bush flying carries about the closest thing you can find to that "machismo" which attracts modellers to military subjects...& if they can't be lured away from military subjects, the kits I've produced so far can all be correctly displayed in military markings, too. Good bush types make good military liaison, observation & light transport types.
I'm still an active member of the Wings of Peace discussion group, but never visit that site either because the discussions are conducted via e-mail.
Part of last winter was spent making a Cessna mobile from rejected kit moldings (many experiments last winter to get the new styrene soft enough to mold well) for our youngest grandson, & I borrowed the black window method for solid models to help simplify & speed the process...

..."rattle-can" spray paint, no research (beyond what I had already done to produce the kit) & no registration numbers; just "generic" builds:

I was also very happy to try out all the kit options on this; the most fun I've had modeling in over a decade!

That's right: I built all these models from vac moldings I would never sell my customers. Quality control!

Cheers, -Lars Opland
Khee-Kha Art Products
P.O. Box 875638

Wasilla, Alaska  99687
