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Tutorial Novice - DH-98 Mossie - WWII ID Model

Started by 1.JaVA_LGorrit, October 03, 2013, 02:47:58 PM

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Now we will fair in the nacelles rear section to the top of the wing. The piece of wood seen in the photo is of constant thickness enough to reach the top of the trailing edge. Mine measured 1.5mm. This will also thicken the rear of the nacelle. Glue and let dry overnight.  Note the direction of the grain. I will show how to shape it in the next post. I have a dart tournament this afternoon, so hopefully I will be back on line by tomorrow morning.



Trim the fairing to a point and sand flush with the upper wing. Apply a bit of putty to the bottom sides and sand smooth.



The air scoops under the forward section of the nacelles varied greatly depending on the aircraft Mk so check your reference pictures. I made mine using the plan diagram and one piece of wood that was then spit it down as per the attached photo.



Once separated, sand the bottom to make a flush mount to the nacelle. Check reference materiel to locate the scoops. I finished sanding after the scoops were glued in place and left to dry overnight.



The scoops stuck out quite a bit so they were sanded down some more after this picture was taken.



The attached photo shows a block of wood approx. 2mm thick. Round off the front of the piece and measure off the length of the exhaust covers.



Cut off the top 2mm and flatten the bottom for attachment to the nacelles.



Align the exhaust covers with the plan directions and using the center line of the spinner as a reference point. Let dry overnight.



Do your fine grade sanding to the wing nacelle assembly. Note the shape of the scoop has been flattened out in relation to the original shape taken from the plans.



Putting the wings aside we move back to the fuselage canopy where we add the small observation blisters. I took a piece of scrap wood and shaped the rear of the blister and then cut it off the stick and rounded the front end. They are not very big and I had to make 5 before I finally had two that would fit. Apart from losing two to the floor monster that keeps eating every small piece I drop, they were finally glued and needed a bit of putty to smooth into place.



Test fit the bottom fuselage plug and trim the mating surface to the bottom of the wing. flattening the bottom of the wing at that position will help align the plug.



Do not spare the glue in fitting the wing into the fuselage recess. Clamp or use elastic bands to hold in place while gluing. Wipe off excess glue once secured in place.



Once the wing/fuselage joint is dry, attached the plug and let dry. Once that is dry use a bit of putty to fill the voids and sand with fine sand paper. I redid the canopy lines for my enjoyment and is not necessary at this point. We will be adding masking tape frame later. Being Thursday, we have our day at the local mall so that will be all for now.



Its turned out a lovely Mossie Lou,enjoy your day at the mall.


A few quick shots of primer to see where the defects are and sanding with fine paper will begin. This will be repeated as many times as needed to get the result you are satisfied with. You will be your worst critic so go easy on yourself.