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Memoriam to his uncle - WO2 Jimmy Horne, WWII RCAF Observer

Started by lastvautour, March 08, 2016, 07:49:09 PM

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Our fellow modeler Kenny Horne has honoured his uncle Jimmy by writing a book called By Name Alone, assembling a replica
bicycle, and making a solid popular desk. Please visit the link below for additional details.

This is a quote from the link below.

Jimmy Horne signed up for enlistment with the Royal Canadian Air Force on December 31, 1941, three months shy of his 18th birthday. Trained as an Observer (later to be known as Navigator), WO2 Horne flew with the Royal Air Force and never came home. He was lost at age 20 on his twentieth operational flight when S for Sugar was shot down over Germany on April 27, 1944.


A pdf file is aattached

A Book, a Bike and a Bomber
Photos and Story by John Chalmers,
CAHS Membership Secretary


"The Dude Abides"

Kenny Horne

Hey Guys,

Nice to see everyone is well and that Solid Modelling still stirs in a few of us  :)  Thanks for the plug Lou.  The table in particular was more like a large scale Solid.  Restoring that 1940 CCM was more of the same detail work that I see on these pages.

Sorry it's been so long since I've been around.  I have started a new project though I'm a little shy of mentioning anything as you are all aware of my excitement in starting projects, and my difficulty in finishing...  I've been taking a couple of pics during preliminary stages and it struck me that I haven't built a model since I got my cel phone.  OK so I was a late adopter, but still it's been over 5 years.  If anything comes of this I'll post some pics.

Take care all,



Welcome back Kenny. It has been too long since you posted.


Kenny Horne

Hey Gang,

Started on my Lancaster.  Using the old ID plans and a lovely chunk of fir I rescued from an old pallet... Maybe not the wisest material choice.   Rough image of roughing out stage.



Kenny Horne

Progress Report:

Nothing complete yet.  Each part still has work needed, but coming along.  :)  Hardly looks any different that the last photo.  You'll have to take my word that hours of work have occurred in the mean time  :-\


Looks great Kenny.  I am so happy to have you back in the fold.


Kenny Horne

Thanks Lou,

A little tip, I make center lines on everything.  In this case I lock a sharp pencil into my fingers and use it to make parallel lines around the edge of the rudder.  I make similar lines around the fuselage as well, just to I have registration lines to work towards.  In the case of the center lines, I'm pretty religious about not touching them until the final smooth sanding.  As long as I can still see them, I know that I have not gone too far.  For the fuselage and engine nacelles, I glued two blocks together so that I can use the glue line as a permanent center line.  In this case I even used a big green marker before I glued, so now I can see a thin green line no matter what. 



Kenny Horne

Getting there...  Still to come, engine details and the never ending putty-primer-sand loop and tail wheel.  Having a great time with it though.  A lot of parts to line up and keep square...




John 15:13

Kenny Horne

Photo story of carving the 1/2 apple seed cockpit blisters.


Ps sorry about the crappy photos. I'll try to fix 'em up later.


I usually make mine out of a dowel and then spit them lengthwise to get two. I also usually require a few attempts before getting it right. You are going quite well so far.
