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Fingers Projects / Re: Long time drying
Last post by lastvautour - May 21, 2024, 09:52:45 PM
Thank you Jim.

Fingers Projects / Re: Rumpler C-IV
Last post by Jim - May 21, 2024, 09:14:22 PM
The model for the model...
Fingers Projects / Rumpler C-IV
Last post by Jim - May 21, 2024, 09:04:36 PM
At long, long last, I have something to contribute. The aircraft is a German two-seater Rumpler C-IV; a late model C-IV, as distinguished by the lack of a propeller spinner. I borrowed the color scheme from the machine depicted on the cover of the eponymous Windsock Datafile publication. Tried to get the impression of pilot and observer communicating together.

I was a long time between contributions here, owing to a catastrophic failure in between. I had been working on a Hannover CL-II two-seater and was into the final assembly process when the lozenge-fabric decals that entirely covered the wings and fuselage began disintegrating. I'd fix one spot, and two others would fall apart. I finally lost patience and regretfully threw the whole works in the trash: six months' work down the craperoo! Oh well, a little lesson in humility...

The helpful suggestions from our brothers here enabled me to get this model finished today. Thank you, gentlemen. Hope you like...
Fingers Projects / Re: Long time drying
Last post by Jim - May 21, 2024, 04:04:48 PM
I usually use monofilament fishing line — the real light 2-4 lb. test stuff used for fly fishing leader tippets. Just paint them silver or aluminum after installation.
Fingers Projects / Re: Long time drying
Last post by lastvautour - May 21, 2024, 08:43:58 AM
I may have asked before, however, what do you use for rigging?

Fingers Projects / Re: Long time drying
Last post by Jim - May 20, 2024, 05:18:14 PM
Well, thanks you for your help, gentlemen. I tried giving it the gentle hair dryer treatment, and that seems to have done the trick. I'm always anxious about using heat for fear of loosening up the glue and causing even worse trouble. But now I can attack the decals without fear, and will soon be sharing the results with you.
Thanks again, friends.  ;)
Fingers Projects / Re: Long time drying
Last post by Ken Pugh - May 18, 2024, 11:50:27 AM
In future, you may consider using an acrylic clear coat.  I have great success with them.  If you are concerned with smoothness of the coat, just do a couple of coats with light sanding after each dries and cures.  Read the instructions to make sure you are doing it right by the manufacturer.  Acrylic does cure and not just dry.  The instructions will cover what you need to know.

The best clear finish I have used is Minwax Polycrylic.  I get no yellowing over time with any acrylic clear I have used and they are very durable, protecting the model from handling damage.
Lou's Projects / Re: RCAF's 100th - 1/32 AVRO 5...
Last post by lastvautour - May 18, 2024, 05:30:33 AM
The seats are installed and the rigging has begun. I am using a 50lb test braided fishing line painted with steel acrylic paint.

Fingers Projects / Re: Long time drying
Last post by lastvautour - May 18, 2024, 05:26:32 AM
I have had some success with adding a mist coat. I don't know if the underlying coat dried or if the top coat just covered the tacky area. Let us know how things work out for you.

Fingers Projects / Re: Long time drying
Last post by Model Maker - May 17, 2024, 09:37:15 PM
Hi Jim

I did a little research and I would suspect there is either an issue with the "drying chemicals" not being evenly distributed when you applied the base coat. Or there was a humidity / temperature issue. If it's a moisture issue, I would suggest trying the hair dryer on low and keeping it a good distance away from the affected areas. Rather than a prolonged exposure to the hair dryer, it may be better to apply heat in frequent short duration applications (1 or 2 minutes). You should be able to test the temperature by testing on a scrap of wood and then touching the surface to see how hot it becomes. I would try for a "warm to the touch" duration. by adjusting the distance from the model and also the angle of air flow impingement, you should be able to obtain an acceptable temperature. In my opinion a heat gun would create too much risk.

Good luck and let us know the outcome of your efforts. - ken

If the issue is a chemical issue rather than an evaporation issue you may wish to go over the affected areas with a reapplied light coat to re-introduce the curing chemicals ensuring the temperature and humidity conditions are correct. This would be a little risky in the event the second light coat hardens and seals in the softer first coat.