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Started by teddon61, March 25, 2008, 08:31:23 PM

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Been carving airplanes for over thirteen years, and have been injury free, except for a few small nicks, all that time.
Recently I was showing a student how to make a stop cut on a red headed woodpecker, had the wood snap on me, and put a nasty cut in my index finger, Ten stiches were required to stop the bleeding and close the cut.
The moral of this sad story, it is safer to create airplanes than birds.
So I have been shut down for several days, and when I resume carving, my subjects will be; a YAK 4, Bristol Brigand B Mk1, Bloch 131,
Nakajima Kikka, and a Mitsubishi Ki57 and C5M2.
It is hard not to carve, I putz around looking for subjects, etc. but carving solids is my thing.
Be careful out there
Ted billings


Know how you feel. Many cuts on mostly my right hand thumb and my left hand index finger.

cliff strachan

You guys better take it easy. We don't have that many members that we can afford to lose any.



I had the stiches removed this past Monday, and except for some tenderness, I will be picking up the knife very soon, just in time for out door carving. It is such a pleasure to sit in the great outdoors and carve after being in a bedroom workshop all winter, the chips will be flying post haste.
Ted Billings