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April 2013 Ping

Started by lastvautour, April 01, 2013, 02:47:08 PM

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What is on your bench. Send photos even if the bench is empty.

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cliff strachan

I have progressed a bit further from last month. I've made the fuselages and empennage and glued them all together for both the Lockheed 10 and the Lockheed 14. However, I'm having trouble with the engines of both aircraft and scale I've chosen for the L10 - it's, I'm afraid going to be too small. Also I believe that some time ago Lou made a Lockheed Hudson bomber. I was wondering if Lou found any draughting defects in one of the plans he might have been  considering at that time? Possibly most of my faults are a matter of trying to rush too much.



Hi Cliff, I don't recall having any drawing problems, but then my memory is not what it used to be. I also have the Electra on my to do list, but that is another matter. I have once again made some progress with the Bonnie's aft starboard catwalks. Other than that, my Vampire received its first coat of silver this morning and the F-5 is in its final sanding before painting. Picture to follow.



On the bench,
Solids Bonnie, Vampire, F-5
Plastic 3 F-15, Boeing 707-720B
2 reindeers sanded awaiting paint
2 reindeers awaiting sanding

Cloth pins holding catwalk flooring.

cliff strachan

Thanks for the info, Lou. And by the way your aircraft carrier is sure looking good. So is the Vampire.



On the old SMM site Ray had posted a "In Memoriam" topic to recognize the support he had received from his mom. In that light I have been posted two new topics to my project board in memory of those who have inspired me to pursue my passion for model airplanes. I don't know why I did not post a topic on my brother Henri but I have since rectified the situation.



I have got my parts for the F18 out on the bench so I can maybe do a bit in between renovation work when I get a spare half hour or so. This could be a long build!!!.  I have also posted a pic of my on the shelf models still to do. Regards Paul J. 


The F-18 looks great even at this early stage. There are so many colour schemes. Like your EGGPLANE too.

Nice little stash you have there.



Thanks Lou, the large box at the bottom of the stash is a 1/48 Rafale B two seater with a really complicated tiger scheme decal sheet, that should be interesting! Regards Paul J.


Its April and normally I am in production producing solids by now,its so cold at the moment and I do feel it more now so not been in the workshop recently,the two Ansons are still await finishing so they will be the first to deal with.


Very happy to hear from you Barry.
