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Q&A for Garet

Started by R.F.Bennett, January 08, 2008, 05:05:39 PM

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"The Dude Abides"


Lou asked (in another topic):

"Garet just noticed your new logo. Tell us about it. As to mine, vautour translates to buzzard/vulture hence"

Lou, The design is a raven painted in the Haida (northwest coast Indian, specifically near the Queen Charlotte Islands of British Columbia) style.  The design is from the cover of "Looking at Indian Art of the Northwest Coast" by Hilary Stewart.  The design itself is by Don Yeoman.  I painted the raven using acrylics on a cedar plank cut into a disk, and sent it to my host family in Japan (I was an exchange student there many years ago) as a present.  The Raven is one of the most important creatures, the creator of the world in Haida cosmology.  I figured that a large bird (flies like an airplane) that creates and is used as one of the main crests of the Haida, among the best wood carvers in the world, might be a good symbol for an airplane carver.  Of course, Raven is also a grand trickster....



Thank you Garet.  I have seen some Haida carvings at the Ottawa Museums and they where and are great carvers.

cliff strachan

Hi Garet, And to all of smm members:

Firstly I've just now read your explanation of the history behind your logo. It's very informative and indeed very pertaining to the hobby.

But now I would like to wish all a very happy holiday season. But why do they call Dec21st the first day of winter! The days are getting - thank heaven - longer! Even Kenny Horne, way up north in Edmonton, can notice that. Anyway it does mark the Season and is a good reason to be happy.

Merry Christmas and again the Best of the Season to all.


Kenny Horne

Hi, Happy Winter Solstice and Merry Christmas to all,

Yes, going to work in the dark and coming home in the dark is getting a little old :-)

We had a Solstice party at a friends house on Sunday and I brought my old timey crank-up record player and we spun a pile of Bing 78s and had a merry ol' time.  Still up to more woodworking, a dozen jewlery boxed and trays for Christmas presents, but alas I have yet to cut a fuselage in months.  Glad to see so many new people on the site. 

Take care all my friends,

From Dark and Cold (-30C) Edmonton,
