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Started by lastvautour, August 21, 2009, 12:36:26 AM

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Buccaneer looking great Lou, I like your landing gear, I feel a bit of a fraud now using mine from the spares box! The Centennial F18 colour scheme look great as well.. Regards Paul J.


Hi Lou,Could you tell me what length the fusilage should be so I can print the sheet to the correct size, also your engine temp has a stepped flat on it but in your photo it doesn't, did you find a different method for assembly. I am not starting to make this yet but I thought I would get the templates done.


I modified the template after having made the original model.  It is a better method of ensuring a solid fit between the wing and the fuselage. I now have 5 sets of rough cut blocks for the F-18 fleet.



The image should be inserted into a word doc and streched so that the image lines up with the edge of the page. This should give you a fuselage lenght of 11.8cm plus whatever you will be using for engine nozzles. I used some 1/48 scale plastic exhaust from an F-4. Revell always added 2 different sets for each kit. The template has the nozzle added but a additional piece needs to be added to the inside area if you are using this block to complete your F-18. The templates are for the Centennial size bird while the picture are from my first attempt at making a CF-188. I will do a tutorial on this new batch of F-18s.



Thanks Lou, I look forward to the tutorial. Regards Paul J.


The F-18 tutorial will be placed in the group build section and the Bucc will be completed here. So far I have painted the Dark Green and Ocean as well as the reddish radome. The undercarriage is glued to avoid placing the new paint job on the bench. I found my 12 Sqn decals from the Airfix Bucc I made some time ago and it looks like things will work out.


The decals from the kit were all dried up so I made my own except for the 12 Squadron Crest. I want to thank Paul for his help. I enjoyed building with another member. More pictures will be posted to the group build area.



It looks chunky and cheeky,the Buccaneer lends itself well to the Air-Toons treatment.


I'me loving that Lou, it turned excellent. i'll have to make my own U/C when I do another one. Fantastic work. Regards Paul.


Thank you Barry and Paul. This is my first AirToon with undercarriage. It beat having to make a stand. I will look further into retrofitting my fleet.



An F-4J on the bench. This is the prototype for the Phantom so things may change before the final cut.



I like that Lou, looking good.Regards Paul J.


The Phantom looks good as a Toon,well done.


Thanks you both. It is a challenge to get it to look right. I feel the wings are a bit off but then it is an AirToon and anything goes.



The post in Cook-Up mentioned 480 parts, I was wrong, in forgetting the 10 flow fence and 10 boundary fences which brings things up to 500 pieces.
