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Tutorial Novice - Handley Page Hampden - A guide to WWII ID Models

Started by lastvautour, September 28, 2013, 05:13:18 PM

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This group build will feature the Handley Page Hampden as constructed by Peter and Lou. Others may join if they wish.




Peter, I need to know what size paper your printer uses.



I would like to join in on this group build if possible.

My printer prints European standard "A4".
mm × mm    210 × 297
in × in          8.27 × 11.69


I will send you the drawings shortly. What is your first name.



Hi Lou,
Drawings well received, thank you.
I will print them at work tomorrow.



Jorrit has successfully received and printed a 1/72 scale drawing of the port wing. I will send all drawings to Peter and Jorrit shortly. Once received printed and confirmed to be 1/72 scale I will begin. Anybody can join in at any time or select another aircraft if they so wish.



Hello Gentlemen,

Plans printed to 1/72 without a hitch. Wood selected, construction will start on Monday.

Sharpen your knives and let the chips fly!!!



What are you using for wood Peter? The plans will tell you a slightly larger than needed sizes just to get you starting. I have selected my clear wood (recycled) and started getting the plans ready for transferring the patterns  to the wood. I have two method, one is to glue the plan to cardboard for use as a template. The other is to glue the plan directly to the wood.
The engine nacelles are laminated as I do not have a single piece of wood big enough. Keep the two nacelle as one long piece rather than cutting into separate one at this point.

Note to Peter. Let me know when you have the basic wood assembled. As I don't know your skill level let me know if you require instruction on cutting the wood blocks to size.


Next - applying the patterns to the wood.


Hi Lou,

I am using a combination of basswood for the smaller pieces, the wing and the fuselage will be a piece of recycled clear pine. Of the two solids I have built so far I combined both your methods of templates. I glued one copy to the the fuselage but use templates on cardboard for the other components. I'm thinking, I may have to laminate pieces together for the engine nacelles as well.



We are on the same page. Please post a photo of your assembled wood pieces for our followers.




Can I ask a question? what is Basswood, I've seen it mentioned quite a few times in builds but I have never heard of it here. Regards Paul J.


Paul, it is one of the best materiel for carving models. It is firm yet easily cut and has a tight grain.  I have a few pieces but wish I could get more of it. Check out Wikipedia on the subject. For some reason they call it different names in other parts of the world.



Hi Paul,

I believe Basswood in known as Limewood in Europe. Most of the wooden ship model kits from Spain and Italy are made from Limewood. Most whittling and wood craning in North America is done from baswwod. It holds detail well and as Lou says has a tight grain so you don't have the same problems as you do with some others. I'm typing this on my phone at a wedding reception and the wife just noticed. This is going to hurt!



Thanks for the info Lou and Peter. I'll have to try and find some. PS, Hope it didn't hurt too much Peter !!!. Regards Paul J.